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    Hvorfor vises ikke hotspot på PS4?
    1. Wi-Fi-tilkobling: Ensure that your PS4 is connected to the internet via Wi-Fi. If you're using a wired connection, your hotspot won't be visible.

    2. Programvareoppdateringer :Check for any pending software updates for your PS4. Older software versions might have issues with hotspot sharing.

    3. Hotspot Permissions: Go to Settings> Network> Set Up Internet Connection> Use Wi-Fi> Options. Ensure that "Enable Hotspot Mode" is set to "On."

    4. Sjekk enhetens kompatibilitet :Make sure that the device you're trying to connect to your PS4 hotspot supports Wi-Fi connectivity.

    5. Restart PS4: Sometimes, simply restarting your PS4 can resolve the issue.

    6. Feil legitimasjon :If you're prompted to enter a password to connect to your PS4 hotspot, double-check that you're entering the correct one.

    7. Nettverksinterferens :Ensure that your PS4 and the device you want to connect to are within a reasonable distance from each other and that there are no signal obstructions.

    8. Motstridende innstillinger: Check that the Wi-Fi channel and frequency settings on your PS4 match the recommended settings for your region.

    9. Static IP Address :Some users report success by assigning a static IP address to their PS4. Go to Settings> Network> Set Up Internet Connection> Use Wi-Fi> Custom> Enter IP address manually.

    10. Proxy Server :Disable any proxy servers if you're using them on your PS4.

    If none of these solutions work, try resetting your PS4's network settings. Go to Settings> Network> Reset> Restore Default Settings.

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